Preferred solution, K12 – Appendix G - Global analyses - Response
This report describes load modelling, methods and response evaluations performed in the concept development work of a floating bridge over Bjørnafjorden.
Permanent, temperature, traffic, tidal, current, wind and wave loads are simulated based on input from the design basis. A thorough screening of selected response variables was performed to select key environmental conditions. Wind responses are simulated using 10 seeds from a set of directions and used to select the worst seed for further load combination.
Ultimate limit state combinations were performed based on separate simulations of each load component (uncoupled approach) and combined with individual load-, correlation- and combination factors. These results were used in design development, and several design iterations have been performed. Two methods were used for load combinations; a direct method based on combination of time series of the individual loads or a factorized method in which design forces are established individually and then combined. The former is used for all design evaluations, but the latter gives an easier overview of the contributions of the individual load components. Both are included as enclosures to this appendix.