Browsing Utgivelser - Annet by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 106
Lov om motorvogner : [av 20. februar 1926]
(Others, 1926) -
Lov om veivesenet av 21. juni 1912: med endringer til og med 1938
(Others, 1938) -
Forskrifter i henhold til lov om motorvogner av 20. februar 1926
(Others, 1942) -
Theoretical and experimental results for the dynamic response of pressure measuring systems
(F. 238;NLR TR, Others, 1965) -
Lette fyllinger av skumplast
(Report, 1974)Til oppbygging av vegfyllinger har en mange tilfeller bruk for spesielt lette materialer. Dette kan skyldes at setningsforholdene i gunnen er svært ugunstige eller at grunnens stabilitet på grunn av konvensjonell fylling ... -
Langtidsbelastninger for polystyren
(Report, 1983-01)Statisk langtidsbelastning på isolasjonsmaterialer, utført ved veglaboratoriet -
Spenningsfordeling i EPS som konstruksjonsmateriale
(Report, 1987)Ekspanderende polyestyren anvendes i stadig økende grad som vegfyllingsmateriale i norsk vegbygging. I starten var anvendelsen særlig motivert ut fra behovet for lette fyllmasser, men etter hvert ble det også fokusert på ... -
The Design, Construction and Maintenance of Otta Seals
(Report, 1999-06)An Otta Seal surfacing was first constructed in Botswana in 1978 on the Oodi - Modipane road. Since then, this type of bituminous surfacing has been used successfully on more than 1000 km of roads comprising more than 20 ... -
A guide to the use of Otta Seals
(Report, 1999-08) -
Review of effects of NaCl and other road salts on terrestrial vegetation in Canada
(Research report, 2000) -
Laboratory testing manual 2000
(Report, 2000)The importance of standardized and consistent test procedures in road construction in order to establish quality can not be over emphasized. This Manual describes the procedures for laboratory testing of road construction ... -
Pavement Testing, Analysis and Interpretation of Test Data
(Report, 2000-05)Pavement testing and interpretation of test data is a fundamental phenomenon in the proper monitoring and maintenance of road pavements in an economic way. The first generation roads in Botswana have either reached, exceeded ... -
Methods and Procedures for Prospecting for Road Construction Material
(Report, 2000-12)Construction materials and related issues typically account for over 75% of road construction cost. The general scarcity of conventional road building materials in Botswana has led to substantial research, over the past ... -
Axle Load Surveys
(Report, 2000-12)The Government of Botswana has during the last 20 years spent scarce resources developing Road Infrastructure for the benefi t of her people. The paved road network comprising of about 5500 kilometres at an asset value of ... -
Methods and Procedures for Prospecting for Road Construction Materials
(Report, 2000-12)Construction materials and related issues typically account for over 75% of road construction cost. The general scarcity of conventional road building materials in Botswana has led to substantial research, over the past ... -
Ny organisering av Statens vegvesens forvaltningsdel
(Others, 2001)