Axle Load Surveys
The Government of Botswana has during the last 20 years spent scarce resources developing Road Infrastructure for the benefi t of her people. The paved road network comprising of about 5500 kilometres at an asset value of 4 billion Pula. This Road Infrastructure needs to be properly utilised and maintained. Accurate traffi c information is essential for transportation planning, road pavement design and maintenance. Whereas traffi c volumes, traffi c composition is important for planning and geometric road design, vehicle loading characteris tics are important for road pavement design and maintenance. Hence, Axle Load Surveys and analysis is essential to assist in planning and the design phases of roads. To assist in correct prioritisation of available maintenance funds a Pavement Management System (PMS) has been introduced. The PMS needs local calibration of the pavement deterioration parameters, whereby the knowledge of the vehicle loading is an essential parameter. The axle load surveys, also give information whether the roads are abused or not by the transporters, and hence assist Roads Department in deciding on appropriate measures. In appreciation of the signifi cance of the Axle Load Surveys, it was resolved that a Guideline which provides both practical and theoretical guidance on how to conduct an Axle Load Survey and how to analyse and present the data in a provisional manner should be prepared. I am sure that the Guideline which is another in a series of documents will ensure consistency of how such Axle Load Surveys are conducted and continuity of the best practices that have been developed over time